Novalysins enzyme-based antibiotics
Benefits of Novalysins peptides over existing anti-TB drugs (antibiotics) are:
- able to act against dormant/latent cells
- increased specificity and selectivity to mycobacteria
- faster time-kill

Our Technology
Novalysin has engineered polypeptides comprising of all necessary activities within a single polypeptide while retaining the necessary function of antimycobacterial activity.
The complex nature of the mycobacterial cell wall presents a major obstacle for antibiotics in general. Novalysin’s enzyme-based antibiotics, on the other hand, easily break down the mycobacterial cell wall.
The complex nature of the mycobacterial cell wall, comprising peptidoglycan, arabinogalactan and mycolic acid layers is degraded by Novalysin’s enzyme-based antibiotics and lysis kills the bacteria within minutes.